Slash Vision
Ever felt like the an oddball for liking Cult Classics? Do you feel like you’re the only person who remembers certain shows or movies? Well I’m here to show you that you are not alone! Every week I’ll bring to you something that people may have forgotten or never heard of.
Slash Vision
Zack Morris Isn’t Trash: Home For Christmas
Slash Morris
Season 2
Episode 44
I feel like Zack Morris the main character from the 90s tv show “Saved By The Bell” has been given a bad reputation. It’s time that we see things from his side and take the bad spotlight off of him. I will do my best to debunk and refute all episodes of the popular YouTube series “Zack Morris is Trash". I can’t believe i ended up ranting again, I may sound like a jerk in this, just remember its all fun.
Zack Morris is Trash: